Department of Computer and Office Technology

The widespread use of computers in the public and private sector has prompted computer studies to emphasize adequate preparation of individuals up to organizations then the whole nation.

This year 2022 the students found it exciting to venture their knowledge into Hardware and Software, even in the system software analysis and design.  How they process and their links between the components and other resources evolved.

 Apart from Hardware and Software, students also learned about management levels or how information flows from top level management to lower level.

The students do all sorts of online practicums on installing of hardware and software, dismantling and re assembling, presentations on audio visual, designing database, creating spreadsheets, also sending emails with attachments through each other’s emails.

We did various display of computer information during the TEST week and included our year 12 project for testing students BMI. Year 13 created the school website as part of their project also. During the covid19 period the department took zoom classes and sending worksheets.

There is currently two staff in the Computer Section:

Mr. Ravindra Sharma Year 12
Year 13

Mr. Sailasa Tawanaua

Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13


“Students benefit from a wide range of effective, stimulating and creative learning both within and outside the classroom.”

Office Technology is a subject designed to develop competencies in information technology,

business administration systems and enterprise values and attributes as well as introducing

students to workplace.

John Wesley College is one of the few schools in Fiji that offers office technology. The school

offering this subject from Year 9 to Year 13, where Year 9 & Year 10 have 3 contact classes per

weeks and Years 11 to Year 13 have 5 contact classes per week including classes in the

computer laboratory for a more hands-on class to be more computer literate in this digital age.

There is currently one staff

Mrs. Talei Vukalolo –  OT Year 9 to Year 13

Subject Combination offered by the College

Since computer and its resources has become a vital tool now we encourage students to take computer studies and learn to be a critical thinker and a problem solver.